Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Dibidi, boss, dibidi?

With the crackdown on pirated dvds being strictly/well, not really/kind of/sort of enforced, sellers have resorted to covert means of attracting potential customers. A favorite in malls is to secure their wares and casually wander around, approaching passersby and murmuring: "Dibidi, boss, dibidi?" When I see these guys in motion, I feel like I'm on Sesame Street, watching the shady character that sells weird crap to Ernie...

Of course, in Divisoria, you can just wander into the malls and look at the stalls that blatantly sell these in plain sight. The fun thing about all this (besides being able to buy movies and tv shows for a fraction of the original's price) is spotting the odd cover or two; the ones that have bizarre mistakes such as wrong billing (which actor is the real star?), odd cover pictures, and even weird review blurbs.

Most memorable so far:
- The boxed (yet extremely) pirated set of Batman movies 1 to 4, starring... Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- Blade, starring Kris Kristofferson (no doubt the special effects/makeup guys won an Oscar for this)
- (this one's for you, Tsi) Elmopalooza, with the cover being a digitally retouched pic of Bert, Ernie, and sundry muppets looking like juvenile delinquents and smoking cigars.

Will post more when I see them :)


At 6:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could it be that Arnie's accent garbled his famous "I'll be back" tagline? Maybe what he meant to say was "I'll be Baht" (as in Bahtman)... holy hearing loss! Pow! Crash! Thwomp!


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