Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Caller ID(iot)

Today, a customer called up and wanted to know: "Ano ba ang fax tone ninyo?" (What's your fax tone?). I felt an almost unbearable urge to reply: "Well, it sounds a little like this. Beeee-brrrr-dirrrrp..."

Later tonight, my mom advised me to answer (just a shade ruefully): "'Di ko magaya, e." (I can't quite copy it.) Hee! Mom, you rock.


At 2:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just goes to show, the most memorable customer of the day need not be physically present... just mentally absent.

At 7:33 PM, Blogger Jaz said...

Funny, but that happened to me sometime ago....could it be that it was the same person? =P


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