Wednesday, October 18, 2006

To Bleach Or Not To Bleach...Hmm...

Went to 168 Mall today with Ynee to check out all the new anime merchandise - ended up buying a set of Bleach statuettes (that you have to assemble yourself), some assorted stickers and a gorgeous Bleach calendar for 2007.

After getting back to the office, Ynee and I started the ardous task of putting the statuettes together - my God, it was ridiculous! And really rather funny...

Ynee started out with Kuchiki Byakuya...and found out he had, distressingly enough, lost his left arm. The part wasn't missing per se, but the whole left arm was just completely ignored. I, on the other hand, began assembling Urahara Kisuke...and discovered my poor statuette had two left hands. Good grief!

Ynee gave up on Byakuya and moved on to Inoue Orihime, whose hair refused to stay on her head (until after numerous applications of hypo cement). Upon completion, Orihime had a decided list backwards (looking like she was a. standing on the deck of the Black Pearl during a storm, b. about to limbo rock, or c. drunk off her ass). Double SIGH.

After bemoaning Urahara's rather unfortunate deformity (which, thank God for small mercies, was handily covered by his voluminous captain's cape) I turned my attentions toward Kurosaki Ichigo. And had almost no problems at all, til I got to his right arm -- and the fact that it just wouldn't fit into his shoulder. Sooo...after whittling the square peg at the end into an L-shape (like it should've been in the first place, dammit!), I finished, and inserted his zanpakutou (sword) into his right fist. Where it promptly fell out. D'oh! Hypo cement to the rescue! Ta-dah!



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