Tuesday, June 06, 2006

That's news to me...

The Philippine Daily Inquirer's headline today read: "2 Leftists Killed in Wake".

Well? Don't leave me in suspense. Killed in wake of what? Wouldn't it have been more grammatically correct to write "...Killed at Wake"? Or even "...Killed During Wake"? Sheesh.

This is not the first time the Inquirer has had oddly misleading article titles. I had a small collection (which of course I can't find right now) where some memorable news item claimed "Truck Hits Girl, Dies". Also, there have been at least two (count them, TWO) articles that came out with the report that a man had killed/maimed someone/s using a samurai. So...they're saying the killer used a warrior who follows the code of bushido from Japan's feudal era? If so, is that considered assault with a blunt object? There's more, but I really need to find my stash of weird articles first...


At 8:25 PM, Blogger Tin said...

inquirer's starting to bark like a tabloid haha!


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